How To

Access Network Folder From Home

You can access the network folder from home. This means you can access the sign-out sheets, the educational material, and your personal network folder from home. This is how. 

1. Go to http:\\ and login

2. Select “RSO Physician Desktop”

3. You’ll get a screen like this. Select this icon to open file browser

4. Type in “\\phdept\USC Neurology” to access our Neurology folder.

5. Go to one of these spots to access your personal folder.

Create a dictation shortcut

1. When DMO is open, start by clicking here.

2. Select "Manage Auto-texts"

3. Click here to create a new item

4. Type a title. It's probably best to use some key word, like "My . . ." It makes DMO more consistently recognize the phrase.

5. Type what you want in "content". You can put physical exam templates or most anything else.

6. Once you create it, all you have to do is speak whatever is in the "Spoken form" field and it will place whatever is in the "Content" field. I use this  for my physical exam templates - for example, "My Blank Exam". Also use it for short objects like seizure counseling.